Utopia turns two and Happy 2013!

So the world didn't end after all and Utopia turns two today. 

It's been a long journey. I was very unsure and not confident about what to share here because I thought my life isn't as awesome or adventurous as somebody else's. However now I am more than grateful and glad for keeping Utopia with me for 2012. 

There's a year when I reviewed I realized there's nothing special happened. I wonder. How could a year go on for 365 days and nothing memorable happened? Had I been wasting my life?

And there's another year when I got so much going on that I forgot. I tried to reflect on but everything got messed up and crazy.

I don't want this to happen again and I love writing. Utopia has become a place for me to confide in.

It takes time and effort to arrange photos and thoughts in a blog. Every idea and sentence take me some time to plan and think whether they are morally right, grammatically correct and suitable to be shared. Also, this job is non-profitable, I don't earn a single cent, there's no sponsors or advertorials or anything. But there's satisfaction and happiness. Inspired by Anne Frank and experience of my own, I find it vital to write my life in a way which I can look back and smile. =)

I wish I can tell you, dear readers, how much I have learned and grown from all these. The obvious changes would be my English and Chinese language are much better, I am not afraid of writing anymore. I have the chance to grow my interest, which is photography and a platform to share. I learned skills, editting and most importantly, I learned how to compose a photo shoot. I used to think I can simply take a photo and think it's gorgeous because I have a DSLR. I used to think that I want to learn photography to take nice photos of myself and make it a Facebook profile picture. Bull shit. Taking good photos is not necessarily related to what gadget you are using. Especially when I'm recording life, it is more about the composition, atmosphere and the message I wish to bring through the photos.  But throughout the year, I found the beauty and substance in taking a photo.

I'm really glad when people say something nice about the photos I capture. It means a lot.  =)

The indirect benefit of blogging is I think more now. I reflect on myself how I feel and what I think at that exact moment, and why I need to write this in my blog. I consider about 'before' and 'after' I decide something. I go more into intricate feelings and thoughts. Those were something that I hadn't experience before when I was more reckless.

Also in Utopia, not only I am telling stories about my own, but about my family and my close friends as well. They grow with me. 

If you ever been here with me in Utopia, I thank you for listening to my story. =)

Following are some of my favorite moments of the year, hopefully this will remind you of your favourite moments of the year too! Before we step into a brand new year, let's reflect on what we did and went through, what we have learned, and set our goals for the future. 

So what's your favourite moment of the year?


Favourite book of the year:  
The Diary of A Young Girl by Anne Frank
都市茅棚    释清净  著
这辈子,至少觉悟这一次   何权丰 著

Favourite Movie: 
The Host (Korean movie, 2006) 
The Lady (2012)

It has been a fruitful year of happiness, sorrow and new challenges. I have been travelling a lot. Trips to Perlis, Teluk Intan, Bagan Nakhoda Omar and Sungai Besar had been wonderful and I got to see the beauty of little towns of Peninsular Malaysia. Sekinchan was really impressive too. And I also went to Pontian this year.

I went to Hatyai again. My another dream came true-- study in Korea. It has been my dream since I fall in love with Girls' Generation that I want to visit Korea one day. And it happened in the most memorable way. And thank you UM for sending me to Bangkok. 

As a research student, this has been an important year to me. I start to have a clearer vision of what I want to be and where I am heading. I made a new year resolution earlier this year that I want to learn new things and absorb as much knowledge as I can, like a sponge. =) Participating in congress was an unforgettable experience.

My health is recovering which allows me to do more things and accept more challenges. Thank you to my dear friends who allow me to speak more in Dharma classes. All those training made me more confident and think further now. I'm particularly grateful for my family, my labmates, supervisor, my kalyana mitra and friends around me who always inspire and teach me. 

A lot a lot more but I guess I should stop now.

Thank you thank you and thank you again for being part of my 2012.

Happy New Year my dears! I wish you all the best!    =)

And may you find a way to add colours to your life too. =D

1 comment:

  1. Wai Kuan, you are really beautiful :) happy new year!


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